Out Of Home Care Sector

BENEFITS of De-Escalation & Occupational Violence Prevention Training (OVA) for the Australian OUT OF HOME CARE SECTOR – OOHC 

Within the Australian out of home care sector, caregivers often encounter complex and challenging situations when providing support to children, youth, and families. This can be particularly true when working with individuals facing behavioural or emotional difficulties, requiring a careful and compassionate approach to care.

At RCA, we prioritize the safety and well-being of staff and those under their care by fostering a workplace environment that emphasizes effective conflict resolution. With over two decades of experience, we specialize in training professionals across various sectors, including the Australian out of home care sector, equipping them with essential skills to manage and de-escalate potentially volatile situations.

Our tailored OVA training package is designed to meet the specific needs of caregivers in the out of home care setting. It provides practical techniques for handling physical and verbal confrontations, whether in face-to-face interactions or through digital communication channels. By enhancing staff capabilities in conflict management, our training contributes to creating a safer and more supportive environment for vulnerable individuals within the Australian out of home care sector.

OVA Occupational Violence Prevention Training in Australian OUT OF HOME CARE SECTOR – OOHC

Care professionals in the Australian out of home care sector often encounter complex and sometimes confrontational situations with children, youth, and families. These scenarios can escalate into challenging behaviors, necessitating effective skills to manage and de-escalate incidents while ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone involved.

Our “Occupational Violence & Aggression Management” training package is tailored specifically for professionals in the out of home care sector, equipping them with the confidence and strategies needed to defuse conflicts safely and efficiently. This program underscores the importance of every staff member feeling secure in their workplace, promoting a culture of safety and respect.

Instances of occupational aggression, whether verbal or physical, pose significant concerns in out of home care settings. Our training provides essential tools to prioritize staff safety, foster a secure environment for colleagues, and enhance the quality of care provided to vulnerable individuals. Through our specialized training, we are committed to empowering professionals with comprehensive strategies for maintaining calm and control in challenging situations, ultimately improving the quality of interactions and care within the Australian out of home care sector.

Training COURSE for Out of Home Care Professionals

Our comprehensive range of training programs is specifically crafted for professionals in the Australian out of home care sector, providing them with the essential skills to navigate diverse and complex situations inherent to their roles. Our specialized training includes:

We collaborate closely with professionals from various departments within the out of home care sector, including:

  • Caregivers and Support Teams
  • Administrative Personnel
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Mental Health Specialists
  • Crisis Response Teams
  • Emergency Care Providers
  • Residential Care Homes
  • Foster Care Agencies
  • Youth Justice Services
  • Specialized Care Facilities for Children and Young People
  • Support Services for At-Risk Youth

Training these departments in Occupational Violence & Aggression (OVA) management is vital for ensuring they can effectively handle challenging situations with compassion and skill. Our programs empower professionals to provide high-quality care while prioritizing safety for themselves, their colleagues, and the individuals they serve within the Australian out of home care sector.