Healthcare Sector

BENEFITS of De-Escalation & Occupational Violence Prevention Training (OVA)  for the HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY 

In the healthcare sector, nursing staff frequently face challenging scenarios involving patients, their families, or colleagues, especially when caring for individuals with intellectual disabilities who may exhibit aggressive behaviours. Providing care in environments such as hospitals, clinics, or during home visits can be both demanding and rewarding. Situations where aggression may arise require effective management to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

At RCA, we champion a workplace environment where every employee feels secure and capable of de-escalating conflicts with minimal disruption. With over two decades of experience, we have successfully trained personnel across various sectors, empowering them to mitigate risks and enhance safety for themselves and others. Whether dealing with physical or verbal altercations, in person, over the phone, or via email, our OVA training package equips nursing staff with the necessary skills to handle such situations calmly and safely.

OVA Occupational Violence Prevention Training in HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY

Healthcare professionals, including nursing staff and other health workers, often face challenging situations with patients, their families, or colleagues that can escalate into aggressive behaviour. It is essential for healthcare employees to be equipped with the right skills to effectively manage and de-escalate these incidents, ensuring they do not worsen. Training is crucial for healthcare staff to handle interactions with diverse and sometimes confrontational individuals, aiming for positive outcomes while maintaining safety.

Our “Occupational Violence & Aggression Management” training package is specifically designed to empower healthcare professionals with the confidence and strategies necessary to defuse conflicts safely and efficiently. This program highlights the fundamental right of every employee to feel secure in their workplace. Each module is crafted with this principle in mind, fostering safer healthcare environments and minimizing the risk of injuries.

The prevalence of occupational aggression—manifested through direct encounters that can include verbal or even physical abuse—is a growing concern in healthcare settings. Our training equips healthcare professionals with essential tools to prioritize their safety, the safety of their colleagues, and the well-being of the patients they serve. Through our “Occupational Violence & Aggression Management” training package, we commit to providing comprehensive strategies for maintaining calm and control in challenging situations, thereby enhancing the quality of care and patient interactions.

Training COURSE for Healthcare Professionals

Our comprehensive suite of training programs is specifically tailored for healthcare professionals, including nursing staff and other health workers, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate diverse and complex situations they may encounter in their roles. Our training programs include:

We collaborate with a range of healthcare professionals from various departments within healthcare facilities, including but not limited to:

  • Nursing and Patient Care Teams
  • Administrative and Support Staff
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Mental Health Services Personnel
  • Emergency Response Teams
  • Urgent Care Centres

Training these departments in Occupational Violence & Aggression (OVA) management is crucial to ensuring they can safely and effectively handle confrontational or aggressive situations, enhancing their ability to provide quality care while safeguarding their own well-being and that of their colleagues and patients.